A year or so ago we sent out a survey to all Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod pastors who have provided the Missouri Synod with their email addresses, which is to say, nearly all of them. We wanted to know if they would be open toward and supportive of a series of short, to the point, easy to read and very well done presentations on key topics that people in their congregations have on their mind and are asking them about. So, the survey had a list of topics from which they could choose AND questions asking them about what other topics they are asked about. The response to this survey was overwhelmingly positive and simply, well, overwhelming. We received thousands of responses. We have never experienced such a high response rate to any survey like this before. Obviously, there has been an "itch" for this kind of a series and we were scratching it. As a result of that survey, we set to work producing nine titles that were directly requested by our Missouri Synod pastors. And, as of now, we have published all nine. And, in order to really get these out there, we are offering them at a bulk discount pricing of only $4.00 each when you purchase five or more of any given topic. Four bucks for a great little book. That's a nearly 50% saving from the full price. We would like to think that many pastors will be choosing several, or all, of these titles ,and distributing them to their congregation, and then perhaps simply stock up on them to have them on hand as the need arises.Again, the discount applies when you purchase FIVE or more of any given title. You must use discount code: LDO when you check out. Or, call 800-325-3040. We have each of them available in Kindle format too, obviously, for a single copy purchase price. You can find them all listed on Amazon here: —–> CLICK HERE. YES, RIGHT HERE. Here are all the books in the series. We have a "look inside" function for each of the titles. Just click on the title and take a look. Understand the Bible Better Witness Christ Make Your Marriage Stronger Read the Bible Prayerfully Have a Faithful Prayer Life Appreciate Science and Love the Bible Have a Stronger Family Live a Jesus-Centered Life Make Your Congregation a Caring Church . . . . .