 Writings by Giertz available in English, in alphabetical order by title "Adapted Translation of Bo Giertz's Holy Week Homilies." Trans. Eric R. Andrae. Logia XIV:3, Holy Trinity 2005:84. "Be Not Discouraged." Trans. Eric R. Andrae. Logia VIII:2, Eastertide 1999:54. Bishop's Letter to the Gothenburg Diocese [Herdabrev Till Göteborgs Stift] Stockholm: SKDB, 1949: Translated excerpts appear in Minister's Prayer Book: An Order of Prayers and Readings, John W. Doberstein, ed. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1986: 181, 267-269, 410-412, 414-415. "The Church and God's Kingdom." Drawing from Grunden. Lutheran Forum 39:4, Christmass/Winter 2005:6. "Credo: What is an Evangelical Lutheran Christian." Trans. Clifford Ansgar Nelson. Lutheran Forum 39:4, Christmass/Winter 2005:7. "Do Not Lose Heart." Trans. Eric R. Andrae. Logia X:4, Reformation 2001:54. "Enlightenment." Drawing and text from Grunden. Trans. Ronald B. Bagnall. Lutheran Forum 39:4, Christmass/Winter 2005:36. "Faith Which Can Never Die," Best sermons : volume VII, 1959-1960, edited by G. Paul Butler (New York: Thomas Y. Crowell, 1959). "The Freedom We Have in Christ." Lord Jesus Christ Will You Not Stay: Essays in Honor of Ronald Feuerhahn on the Occasion of his Sixty-Fifth Birthday. Houston: The Feuerhahn Festschrift Committee, 2002. [Also appeared in booklet form in 1962: London: CPH Ltd.] "The God of Our Fathers" (Vara faders Gud) by Bo Giertz–trans. & w/ intro by Charles Henrickson. The Pieper Lectures: Call and Ordination in the Lutheran Church (2005 Vol 10) Available at Logia "The 'Godless' Sweden." The Lutheran Companion. February 13, 1957:7. [Also appeared in The American Swedish Monthly, December 1956.] "The Gothenburg Diocese." The Church of Sweden: Past and Present. Ed. Robert Murray. Malmö, Sweden: Allhem, 1960. 150. The Hammer of God. Trans. Clifford Ansgar Nelson and Hans O. Andrae. Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 2005. [Also appeared in 1960 and 1973.] "How the Seelsorger Cares for His Own Soul." Trans. Bror Erickson. Concordia Pulpit Resources. Volume 15, part 4; August 28 – November 20, 2005:10. "I Believe One Holy Christian Church–What Does it Mean Today?" Trans. Wilhelm Torgerson and Donald Poock. The Springfielder XXXIV:3. December 1970:182. "In Conclusion: Daily Vocation." Trans. Clifford Ansgar Nelson. Lutheran Forum 39:4, Christmass/Winter 2005:55. "Is Church of Sweden Lutheran?" [sic] Trans. Henry Hanson II. The Lutheran Companion. December 24, 1958:13. "Last Will and Testament." Trans. Birgitta Peterson. Lutheran Forum. Christmass 1998:13. Life by Drowning: Enlightenment through Law and Gospel. Trans. Eric R. Andrae. Cambridge, England: The Evangelical Lutheran Church of England, 2008. Liturgy and Spiritual Awakening. Trans. Clifford Ansgar Nelson. Rock Island, Illinois: Augustana Book Concern, 1950. Also available as an e-book at http://www.lcms.org/graphics/assets/media/Worship/Giertz.pdf. "The Meaning and Task of the Sermon in the Framework of the Liturgy." The Unity of the Church. Rock Island, Illinois: Augustana Press, n.d. 133. The Message of the Church in a Time of Crisis and Other Essays. Trans. Clifford Ansgar Nelson and Eric H. Wahlstrom. Rock Island, Illinois: Augustana Book Concern, 1953. Preaching from the Whole Bible. Trans. Clifford Ansgar Nelson. Minneapolis: Augsburg Publishing House, 1967. Reprinted: Ft. Wayne: Lutheran Legacy, (2007). "Preach the Word: A Preacher's Allegiance to Holy Scripture." Trans. Bror Erickson. Concordia Pulpit Resources. Volume 15, part 4; August 28 – November 20, 2005:9. To Live With Christ. Trans. Bror Erickson and Richard Wood. St. Louis: CPH, 2008 "Twenty-Three Theses on the Holy Scriptures, The Woman, and The Office of the Ministry." Trans. Wilhelm Torgerson (from a German translation by P. Schorelmmer). The Springfielder 33 (1970):10. Reprinted in: Women Pastors? Ed. John Pless and Matthew Harrison. St. Louis: CPH, 2008. With My Own Eyes: A Life of Jesus. Trans. Maurice Michael. New York: The MacMillan Company, 1960. A SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR BO GIERTZ from the bibliography of the STM thesis by Eric R. Andrae. Prepared 11 Oct. A+D 2002. Giertz, Bo. "Att leva i Kyrkan." (To Live in the Church). En Bok om Kyrkan. Eds. Gusatf Aulén, A. Fridrichsen, R. Bring, Hj. Lindroth, A. Nygren. Stockholm: SKDB, 1942. 365-383. Att leva med Kristus. (To Live with Christ). Stockholm: Verbum, 1974. To Live with Christ and the following volume, To Believe on Christ, provide devotions based on the church year and on biblical texts, with accompanying stanzas from the Swedish Hymnbook and prayers written by Giertz. The biblical texts and hymn stanzas require additional books; the prayers are found in these devotional books themselves. These volumes target the laity. Att tro på Kristus. (To Believe on Christ). Stockholm: Verbum, 1973. Då föll Herrens eld: Nytt liv i tjänsten. Göteborg: Församlingsförlaget, 1996. This work contains a series of 28 ordination addresses and nine essays/lectures. The essays include such topics as: The Seelsorger and his own soul; To love one's brother; The way for the Church today; To preach the righteousness of faith; Shepherds, not Lords; The Bible's view and the view of the Bible; etc. I have translated some of the ordination addresses already and they have appeared in Logia. Some of the essays/lectures have also been translated. "En återblick." Opuscula ecclesiastica: Studier tillägnade Gunnar Rosendal den 4 april 1972. Eds. Oloph Bexell, Bengt Ingmar Kilström, Lennart Löthner, and Jan Redin. n.c.: Pro Veritate, 1972. 104-109. A brief biographical essay, "En återblick" (A look back), appears in this 1972 festskrift to his good friend and leader of the liturgical movement Kyrklig förnyelse (Churchly Renewal), Gunnar Rosendal. "Frälsningshindren – I." (Obstacles to Salvation). Svensk Pastoraltidskrift. No. 3 (1977): 27-29. This article, and the following one, are to be read within the context of Giertz's confession of the Order of Grace (see Kyrkofromhet below). "Frälsningshindren – II." Svensk Pastoraltidskrift. No. 7 (1977): 105-107. "The Gothenburg Diocese." The Church of Sweden: Past and Present. Ed. Robert Murray. Malmö, Sweden: Allhem, 1960. 150-161. Grunden. Stockholm: SKDB, 1962. A catechetical work for youth based on the Small Catechism. Widely used when written (1942) and still now. The Hammer of God. Trans. Clifford Ansgar Nelson. Minneapolis : Augsburg Publishing House, 1973. The Hammer of God. Trans. Clifford Ansgar Nelson. Rock Island, Illinois: Augustana Press, 1960. Herdabrev Till Göteborgs Stift. Stockholm: SKDB, 1949. One section of his Herdabrev (Pastoral letter to the diocese upon assuming the bishopric of Göteborg) has been translated as "Liturgy and Spiritual Awakening." The larger section from which this was taken is entitled The Inheritance from the Early Church and includes chapters on the Holy Scriptures, Dogma, the Lord's Supper, and the Office. Kristi Kyrka.Stockholm: SKDB, 1960. Kristi Kyrka (The Church of Christ, 1939) and Kyrkofromhet (Church Piety, 1939) are Giertz's most important works, along with Stengrunden (The Hammer of God). Kristi Kyrka includes sections on the Church's being/character (biblical/historical origins and development), as well as the Presence of the Holy (Means of Grace). It may be said to represent the objective part of Giertz's theology. "Kyrkan i smältdegeln." Att finna Kyrkans väg: Festskrift till Bertil E. Gärtner. Uddevalla, Sweden: Pro Cariate, 1984. 99-107. Kyrkofromhet. Stockholm: SKDB, 1962. Kyrkofromhet includes sections on the Way of Salvation (including the Order of Grace, and Law & Gospel), In the presence of the Lord, and Everyday church. It may be said to represent the subjective part of Giertz's theology, and is a direct continuation of Kristi Kyrka. Letters to Gunnar Rosendal. Last of February 1938 [sic], 7 March 1938, and 25 April 1941. Uppsala University Library, Uppsala. Letter to Tor Andræ. 3 July 1942. Uppsala University Library, Uppsala. Liturgy and Spiritual Awakening. Rock Island, Illinois: Augustana Book Concern, 1950. "The Meaning and Task of the Sermon in the Framework of the Liturgy." The Unity of the Church. Rock Island, Illinois: Augustana Press. 133-141. Med egna ögon. (With My Own Eyes—see below). Stockholm: SKDB, 1950. trans. Nya Testamentet. Uddevalla, Sweden: Pro Caritate, 1981. This is Giertz's translation of the entire New Testament. He also provided commentaries for all its books. Om livent, döden och evigheten. Varberg, Sweden: Argument, 1998. This brief work (an interview actually) came out the year of his death and deals with Life, Death, and Eternity. Preaching from the Whole Bible. Minneapolis: Augsburg Publishing House, 1967. Stengrunden. (The Stone Foundation; trans. as The Hammer of God). Stockholm: Diakonistyrelsens Bokförlag, 1963. Telephone interview. 31 May 1997. "Troen alene." Pa Ordets Grunn: Festskrift til professor dr. theol. Carl Fr. Wisloff. Eds. Steinar Hunnestad, Jon Kvalbein, and Gunnar Prestegard. Oslo: Luther Forlag, 1978. An essay on sola fide. Trons ABC: En studiebok i kyrkans tro for lekmän. Stockholm: Verbum, 1971. A catechetical book for adults. 23 Teser om Skriften kvinnan och prästämbetet. (Trans. immediately follows). Uppsala: Bokförlaget Pro Veritate, 1958. "Twenty-Three Theses on the Holy Scriptures, The Woman, and The Office of the Ministry." The Springfielder 33 (1970): 10 This is the English translation from the German translation, and contains errors. I have translated all the theses themselves, though not their accompanying explanations. With My Own Eyes: A Life of Jesus. New York: The MacMillan Company, 1960. A life of Jesus written as historical narrative. One more thing: a study guide for The Hammer of God written by Dr. John T. Pless (Via Concordia Fort Wayne) |