Tuesday, February 23, 2010

FW: How do the Gesimas and Lent fit together? A word from the Anglicans

An Anglican perspective on pre-lent noticed by other Lutherans…


Feed: Historic Lectionary
Posted on: Tuesday, February 23, 2010 10:29 AM
Author: toddpeperkorn@mac.com (Historic Lectionary Editors)
Subject: How do the Gesimas and Lent fit together? A word from the Anglicans


I just ran across this nice little chart/article by XXX over at lectionary central:

The Logic of Lent, by Robert D. Crouse

What I like about this chart is that it ties together the Gesimas as the preparation, the first half of Lent as battle with Satan, and the second half of Lent as the final journey.

What do you think?  Does this really fly?


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