I echo Dan's point here after having lived for 5 years in LDS territory…
Feed: Necessary Roughness
Posted on: Sunday, June 20, 2010 9:02 PM
Author: Dan
Subject: Good Hymns Confess Specific Truth
There is a funny yet sad maxim that runs in the circles of Christian musicians:
A couple of weeks ago Time Out featured Holy, Holy, Holy, hymn 507 in the Lutheran Service Book. The first stanza if you recall goes like this:
…and that's where the record scratches. God is no longer the triune God, the three in one and the one in three that we just confessed the last Sunday of May. Mormons do not confess the Trinity, thus the lyrics needed to be changed. We have a treasure in Christian hymnody that maintains correct doctrine and faith in the Truth. Our hymns must do more than not confess false doctrine; they must confess true doctrine. It is not sufficient that we believe in a god, but the God that revealed himself to us in His holy word. As pastors and musicians choose hymns for worship, they should be care not only to choose tunes that people sing but choose lyrics that embed Biblical truth into our minds and hearts. We can sing non-doctrinal songs the rest of the week (how else could I enjoy my Duran Duran? HT: Ellie Corrow |