Critical reviews (by Lutheran pastors and church musicians) of books and other resources for Christian worship, preaching, and church music from a perspective rooted in Holy Scripture, the Lutheran Confessions and good common sense. LHP Quarterly Book Review asks, "Is it worth the money to buy, the time to read, the shelf space to store, and the effort to teach?"
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Resources Received
Schulz, Klaus Detlev. Mission from the Cross (Lay Reader's Edition). St. Louis: Concordia, 2010. 125 Pages. Paper. $12.99. (Special Introductory Price: $9.99!) (LHP)
Jones, Paul S. What Is Worship Music? (Basics of the Faith Series). Phillipsburg, NJ: P&R, 2010. 43 Pages. Staple Bound. $3.99. (LH)
Gordon, T. David. Why Johnny Can't Sing Hymns: How Pop Culture Rewrote the Hymnal. Phillipsburg, NJ: P&R, 2010. 189 Pages. Paper. 12.99. (H)
O'Donnel, Douglas Sean. God's Lyrics: Rediscovering Worship Through Old Testament Songs. Phillipsburg, NJ: P&R, 2010. 211 Pages. Paper. $15.99. (H)