Thursday, September 9, 2010

FW: The Kyrie for Eastertide

A Kyrie for Eastertide…


Posted on: Thursday, September 09, 2010 9:43 AM
Author: Matt Carver (Matthaeus Glyptes)
Subject: The Kyrie for Eastertide


Here is my translation of the Kyrie for Eastertide (or from Easter to Pentecost) traditionally sung in many German Lutheran churches, and in America before the switch to English, when the wide adoption of the Common Service (or lowest common denominator service) left American Lutheran churches only one basic threefold Kyrie to be sung for the whole church year. The music comes from Spangenberg's cantional. It can be found in Lochner with harmony by Riegel.

Kyrie, God, of all things Father and Creator: Eleison!
Christè, who true God and Man was born, and borest for us men God's scorn: Eleison!
Kyrie, God, the Holy Ghost, one God with the Father and the Son: Eleison!
Kyrie, help us to keep the faith unswervingly, and adore only Thee, and Thy servants ever be: Eleison!

Translation © Matthew Carver, 2010.


Kyrie, Gott aller Welt Schöpfer und Vater, Eleison!
Christe, wahrer Gott und Mensch geborn, der du für unst trugst Gottes Zorn, Eleison!
Kyrie, Gott, Heiliger Geist, mit Vater und Sohn Ein Gott, Eleison!
Kyrie, hilf uns, daß wir in solchem Glauben rein, dich anbeten allein, und bleiben Diener dein, Eleison!

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