Tuesday, March 30, 2010

FW: The Hymnal in Every Home

This is a good idea!



Feed: Cyberbrethren Lutheran Blog Feed
Posted on: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 8:29 AM
Author: Paul T. McCain
Subject: The Hymnal in Every Home


Due to the — well, how else to put it than this? — spectacular success and reception of The Lutheran Service Book, Concordia Publishing House is launching an effort to place the hymnal into every home. Traditionally, for Lutherans, there have been three core books that have shaped and formed their faith and life: Bible, Catechism, Hymnal. Why the hymnal? The hymnal gives voice to faith, by means of the hymns that are beautiful poetic expressions of all aspects of our life as God's people. Hymns give voice to our hope and fears, our sorrow and joy, our thanks and praise, that transcend any one of our ability to do so. Truly, we sing "with the whole people of God" as we use our hymnals, privately or alone, or in small groups. And so, in order to increase the use of the hymnal in this way, Concordia Publishing House will be featuring a regular series of articles on various aspects of the hymnal and encouraging our pastors and congregations to make a concerted "push" in their parish to get the hymnals beyond the pew racks and into the homes of our people. You can read more about this emphasis by visiting the CPH web site for the special Hymnal in Every Home campaign underway.

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