Friday, January 15, 2010

FW: [LetUsPray] LetUsPray prayers re: the earthquake in Haiti

Please forward.


Pastor Cain


From: [] On Behalf Of Rev. Jon D. Vieker
Sent: Thursday, January 14, 2010 11:03 AM
Subject: [LetUsPray] LetUsPray prayers re: the earthquake in Haiti



Below are two potential additions for the prayers this Sunday.

P:            Almighty God, merciful Father, Your thoughts are not our thoughts, and Your ways are not our ways. In Your wisdom You have permitted this devastating earthquake in Haiti. Keep Your church there from despair and do not let their faith fail them, but sustain and comfort them. Direct all efforts to attend the injured, console the bereaved, and protect the helpless. Deliver any who are still in danger, and bring hope and healing that they may find relief and restoration. Lord, in Your mercy,
C:            hear our prayer.

P:            Merciful Father, we commend to Your keeping all who work to bring rescue and relief in Haiti. Give them courage in danger, skill in difficulty, and compassion in service. Sustain them with bodily strength and calmness of mind that they may perform their work to the well-being of those in need so that lives may be saved and communities restored. Lord, in Your mercy,
C:            hear our prayer.


Rev. Jon D. Vieker
Assistant Director
Commission on Worship
The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod
1333 S. Kirkwood Road
St. Louis, Missouri 63122-7295
Voice: (314) 996-1266
FAX (314) 996-1165

"In the twenty-first place, God's Word is not rightly divided
when the preacher does not, in general, let the Gospel predominate."
C.F.W. Walther, Law and Gospel


"In peace let us pray to the Lord . . ."

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