Monday, June 6, 2011

FW: Sancti Spiritus adsit nobis gratia



Posted on: Monday, June 06, 2011 1:42 PM
Author: Matt Carver (Matthaeus Glyptes)
Subject: Sancti Spiritus adsit nobis gratia


Here is my translation of the alternate Sequence for Holy Whitsunday, "Sancti Spiritus adsit nobis gratia," according to the version found in Lossius' Psalmodia (1579). Note all the musical lines repeat except 1, 13, and 14.

MAY THE GRACE of the Holy
Ghost be with us now.

2a. May He our hearts re-fashion
as His own holy dwelling-place.
2b. Expelling from them every
spiritu'l vice and wickedness.

3a. Nourishing Spirit,
all mankind's Enlightener!
3b. Purge from our senses
all shades of obscurity,

4a. O holy Lover of the prudent,
ever keep us in Thy care;
4b. Pour out Thy gracious unction on us,
with it fill our heart and mind.

5a. Thou Cleanser, who makest pure every
shameful and gross impurity,
5b. O Spirit, now cleanse and purify
of blindess man's interior eye.

6a. Let our Lord and Creator
Show Himself to us evermore,
6b. Who is visible only
Unto the eye of the pure in heart.

7a. Thou didst inspire the true Prophets
To proclaim the Messiah,
And His Gospel all-glorious.
7b. Thou didst inspire the Apostles
Christ's own banner to carry
To the earth's farthest boundaries.

8a. In the beginning, when God created
Heaven, earth, and sea in wondrous symmetry,
8b. Thou o'er the waters, O Spirit, hov'ring,
Scatteredst abroad Thy breath of godliness.

9a. Thou by enriching waters dost quicken
souls of men again.
9b. Thou by Thine exhalation dost render
mankind spiritu'l.

10a. Thou, Lord, hast reunited
men once divided
In their rites and languages.
10b. Calling, O Best of Masters,
Back the idolater
To Thy worship orthodox.

11a. Wherefore, O Holy Spirit,
be Thou propitious ,
and hear us, Thy humble supplicants,
11b. For without Thee our every
prayer is empty
and odious in the ears of God.

12a. Thou, O Spirit, who by Thine inspiration
hast instructed and taught the saints of
all ages in Thy breath of godliness.
12b. Who this day didst endow Christ's own Apostles
With a gift unknown and unheard of,
Unlike the gift of any age in history,

13. Thus didst Thou
Make this day so glorious.

14. May the grace of the Holy 

Ghost be with us now.

Translation © Matthew Carver, 2011


1. Sancti Spiritus adsit
nobis gratia:
2. Qui corda nostra sibi [< Quae…] faciat habitaculum.
Expulsis inde cunctis vitiis spiritabilis,
3. Spiritus alme illustrator hominum,
Horridas nostrae mentis purga tenebras,
4. Amator sancte sensatorum, semper cogitatuum.
Infunde unctionem tuam clemens nostris sensibus.
5. Tu purificator omnium flagitiorum Spiritus.
Purifica nostri oculum interioris hominis.
6. Ut videri supremus genitor possit a nobis.
Mundi cordis quem soli cernere possunt oculi.
7. Prophetas tu inspirasti, ut praeconia Christi praecinuissent inclyta.
Apostolos confortasti, uti trophaeum Christi per totum mundum veherent.
8. Quando machinam per verbum suum fecit Deus coeli, terrae, marium.
Tu super aquas foturus eas, numen tuum expandisti Spiritus.
9. Tu animabus vivificandis aquas foecundas.
Tu aspirando das spiritales esse homines.
10. Tu divisum per linguas mundum et ritus adunisti, Domine. [= adunasti…]
Idolatras ad cultum Dei revocas Magistrorum optime.
11. Ergo nos supplicantes tibi exaudi propitius sancte Spiritus.
Sine quo preces omnes cassae creduntur et indignae Dei auribus.
12. Tu qui omnium saeculorum sanctos,
Tui numinis, docuisti instinctu amplectendo, Spiritus.
Ipse hodie Apostolos Christi donans munere insolito et cunctis inaudito seculis.
13. Hunc diem gloriosum fecisti.
14. Sancti Spiritus adsit nobis gratia.


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